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» Thai-Latin Coffee+ Plus Weeks Thai-Latin Coffee+ Plus Weeks – Embajada y Consulado General de la República de Panamá ante el Reino de Tailanda

Thai-Latin Coffee+ Plus Weeks

H.E. Diego Arango Pezet, Ambassador-designate of Panama to Thailand, accompanied by Mr. Harold Randy Hayle H., Chargé d’Affaires, a.i. participated in the Thai-Latin Coffee+ Plus Weeks event at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand.

On this occasion, together with the participation of other Latin American embassies in Thailand with their coffees, beverages and pastries, the Embassy presented the Panamanian coffee of Boquete and Volcán origin with the artisan chocolate of Cacao Blessings, which received much interest among the general public.

We appreciate the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the special opportunity provided to the Embassy to promote and increase the presence of our coffee among the relevant authorities and local coffee aficionados.